Ethiopia - Dire situation of IDPs in Somali region -The nutrition and food security situation has improved in most parts of Ethiopia compared to 2002 and 2003. This may be attributed to better weather conditions and to the humanitarian aid which have probably mitigated the situation. Whilst in some areas, the nutrition situation seems under-control, it is still average to precarious in most parts of Ethiopia. The Somali region is especially at risk, due to poor rainfall and the presence of IDPs. Urgent action is needed in the IDP camps in Somali region where dire living conditions have been reported as well as appalling rates of malnutrition since 2002.
Kenya-Nutrition crisis in north-eastern zone of Tukana district - Turkana district is chronically food insecure and households' livelihoods have been eroded over the years. In some areas such as the northeast, coping mechanisms are limited and the food security and nutrition situation has worsened within the past two years; the prevalence of acute malnutrition has increased threefold between 2001-2002 and 2003-2004. In the northwest part of the district, the situation has also worsened but to a lesser extent. The nutrition situation in Kakuma refugee camp is above acceptable levels.
Chad - Sudanese refugees at risk -The humanitarian situation of the refugees in Eastern Chad and of the host population seems to be rapidly deteriorating. Programmes should be scaled-up and integrate the host population. Donor agencies should increase their commitment to the crisis. The onset of the rainy season will further impair the delivery of assistance.
Sudan - Worsening situation in Darfur - It is estimated that more than one million people are displaced throughout Darfur. Some settled with host families whilst other gathered in camps. Access to the population is extremely difficult because of the logistic and security conditions but also owing to the restrictions imposed by the government of Karthoum. The rainy season, which starts by mid-year and coincides with the hunger gap, will further worsen the situation because of the decreased availability of food, increased risk of diseases and more difficult access to the population. Two nutrition surveys conducted in Darfur showed a worrying situation. On the other hand, due to an improvement in food security and security conditions, the situation has greatly improved in part of south Sudan but remains precarious whilst the situation remains serious in other parts which experienced bad weather conditions. IDPs and the local population will require humanitarian and development action as long as the situation is not consolidated on the ground.
Liberia - Average nutrition situation - Several surveys conducted in Greater Monrovia, in IDP camps in Montserrado county and in Bomi and Grand Cape Mount counties showed an average nutrition situation.
Angola - Insufficient funding -There has not been noticeable improvement in the nutrition situation in Angola since 2003. This may be attributed to the fragile food security situation, especially for the returnees who represent a significant proportion of the population. Unfortunately, donors' and the government of Angola's commitment to Angola's reconstruction is weak and far from sufficient to ensure a significant improvement of the situation.
Nepal - Intensification of the crisis -The on-going conflict has led to major human rights abuses and to the displacement of thousands of people into major cities and India. Whilst the better-off may be able to cope with the displacement, the poorest may be in a more difficult situation. In rural areas, although the direct impact of the conflict on food security is unclear, the recent upsurge in violence may have further weakened the already flimsy food security of the population, and coping mechanisms may become exhausted.
The nutrition status of the refugees is average, with micro-nutrient deficiencies reported, although some measures have been taken to overcome this problem.
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