Nutrition situation throughout 20021
Kenya The nutritional situation
of the Sudanese and Somali long-term refugees in Kenya is still of concern,
although many have been settled in the camps for years.
Somalia Due to economic shocks, poor crop production, and insecurity, the nutrition situation in parts of southern Somalia, especially in the Gedo region has remained highly precarious. Some populations in Somaliland also face nutrition situations of concern. The nutrition situation of the IDPs, especially in the main towns, was very poor.
Sudan The nutrition situation was extremely poor in many areas of Southern Sudan. However, it is expected that the increased access to populations following an agreement between SPLA, the government of Karthoum, and the United Nations, at the end of 2002, might help improve the situation of the population.
Sierra Leone 2002 was the beginning of reconstruction in Sierra Leone. The nutrition situation of Sierra Leonans seemed to be under-control. The nutrition situation of the new wave of Liberian refugees which arrived in the first half of 2002 was precarious as of August 2002.
Burundi Except in the areas where there were many displaced, the nutrition situation was under-control and better than in previous years. However, renewed fighting since mid-2002, and a poor harvest and rainy season in late 2002, lead to fears of a renewed crisis.
Tanzania Long-term refugees in Tanzania continue to maintain good nutrition status in 2002.
Angola Dramatic nutrition situations have appeared as access to previously inaccessible areas has been made possible by the signing of the peace agreement between the government of Angola and UNITA in April 2002. By the end of the year the situation had improved in many areas, but was still precarious.
Afghanistan The humanitarian situation continued to be of concern in Afghanistan in 2002 due to the consequence of the war, the mass return of some two million refugees, and the prevailing drought over the previous years, all of which have weakened the population's food security. The nutrition situation was not critical however except in the Shamali plain and Pansheer valley, both of which suffered acutely from the war, and in Kabul city, where many of returnees have settled. In these areas, the nutrition situation was precarious.
1 According to the information which have been made available to RNIS
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