West Africa The situation in
West Africa is worsening. The destabilisation of Ivory Coast has led to
vulnerability of people in country and has also had a major impact in nearby
countries. In addition, cross-border population displacements of Ivorians,
Liberian refugees in Ivory Coast and third national countries have been
widespread, especially to Liberia. In Ivory Coast, whilst nutrition assessments
have not shown dramatic situations, food security is decreasing, more or
less quickly depending on the area. An upsurge in violence in Liberia,
particularly in areas where many newly arrived people had settled, has
obliged them as well as the resident population and displaced people, to
move again to safer places in Liberia or to Guinea and Sierra Leone, or
even back to Ivory Coast. The situation of these populations in constant
movement because of attacks, and who are very difficult or impossible to
reach because of insecurity, is extremely worrying. Moreover, donors' responses
to the Liberia crisis have been very poor so far.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Several nutrition assessments have shown average to highly precari ous nutrition situations in the eastern provinces where fighting is still raging.
Eritrea Donors' responses to the drought in Eritrea has been very low (only 25% of the food require ments have been received) and the food pipeline is far from sufficient to meet the needs of the estimated 1 m vulnerable people.
Zambia Reports from refugee camps in Zambia showed an acceptable nutritional status.
Sudan Despite some apparent advances in peace negotiations and improvement of humanitarian ac cess, the nutrition situation remains highly precarious in the south of the country.
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